What is the state of reproductive rights and gender equality in Wisconsin?
We are a group of journalists investigating this question.
Top Stories
by Keri Entzminger
by Hana Razvi
by Joe Mayo
by Jadius McGhee
by Yifan Cui
Find stories, reports, and resources that explore issues like access to gender affirming care, abortion, sexual health services and opinions in Wisconsin.
Photo credit: Gayatri Malhotra, Unsplash
What does gender equality mean to Wisconsinites? From gender expression to older generations’ perspectives on reproductive rights, these stories explore the gender revolution in Wisconsin.
Photo credit: Unsplash
Explore gender-affirming care in Wisconsin, healthcare providers’ perspectives and access to reproductive rights.
Photo credit: Connor Betts, Unsplash
Photo credit: iStock
These stories consider a range of perspectives from organizations and students at the University of Wisconsin.
Learn about the political status of reproductive and gender rights in Wisconsin. These stories examine legislator viewpoints, international perspectives, and public opinion across the U.S.
by Helen Tosteson
by Meryl Hubbard
by Ella Ruder
by Sarah Kirsch